We provide everything you need to expand your business in Japan

Ways to expand your business in Japan

The Japanese market is stable and strong with high levels of consistent consumption. With this in mind, strategic plans should reflect better-performing geographies, with the localised roadmap so that companies can respond quickly to opportunities when and where they arise. Most importantly, if you have ambitious growth plans for your business, it’s vital to team up with a team of experts on the Japanese market.

We don’t just prioritise the number of likes and engagements on social media; we also concentrate on fostering the brand’s growth. Our approach involves crafting a positioning map, investing in strategies that boost brand awareness to establish trust, and employing out-of-the-box campaigns tailored for the Japanese market to amplify marketing efforts. Repositioning the brand and creating products that resonate with the target audience are also essential steps in enhancing visibility in the rapidly evolving market.

One trend that we will see more and more in the coming year is direct-to-consumer (D2C/DTC) brand expansion. To take advantage of this huge market, our package includes creating an e-commerce platform, social & conversational commerce and PR. In addition, setting up pop-up stores, a fulfilment office and customer service agents in Japan. Furthermore, we can build an omnichannel business with a hybrid e-commerce strategy and start selling to consumers as well as businesses. Act now to bring your DTC business to Japan to get ahead of the competition.

Initially, we conduct a brand profiling assessment to determine its readiness for introduction to potential partners and distributors. Subsequently, we offer education and guidance on navigating the new market and business culture. Once the brand is positioned in the Japanese market, and suitable distributors are identified, we manage the connection, negotiation and provide support for a successful outcome. We also handle sales for the selected brand.

From creating promotional videos to launching large scale video campaigns, our network of creators helps to pull in your audience to improve awareness and engagement with high-quality content. Above all, we understand exactly what tickles Japanese people’s fancy when it comes to shopping. With this in mind, let us create a striking landing page or integrate a dedicated Japanese e-commerce platform with a high conversion rate and strong brand building.

Muse Press is the leading company to integrate digital marketing into PR activities and helps small to major global brands and businesses to transition their business strategy in the digitalised era. The most compelling evidence is that Muse’s list of key players in the Japanese market across media, influencers and opinion leaders extends to over 4,000. Through our ability to leverage this network and create an innovative PR strategy, we can maximise your brand and product’s visibility to raise awareness.

When entering the Japanese market, businesses need a roadmap. Some have a distributor or agent in place, but weak or no marketing and some have nothing. Digital transformation has completely evolved the way brands engage with consumers, and now there are many ways to sell directly to Japan. We can guide you through to build a new future-proof retail model of your own to develop your business. 

Frequently Asked Question

Yes, this is the core of our business! We can establish digital marketing campaigns in Japan to help you target specific demographics. As our case studies here show, we have deep experience across multiple demographics and diverse marketing strategies. Because we are bi-cultural, we understand both the target market and your aims and strategies.

Yes we can offer a complete package which includes:

  1. As a first step, research and strategic advice on market entry options and target market developed in collaboration with our research partner, JapanConsuming.
  2. We can then develop and execute market set up including local e-commerce.
  3. Once this is in place, we can then handle all aspects of marketing and customer service.

Yes, we can help you find a suitable partner to connect you with. We can also advise you to find which distributor, importer, wholesaler or speciality retailer would be the best option for your specific product.

In any business, you will need to invest a long time especially if you’re starting in a new market. However, utilising direct sales channels and our laser-focused marketing initiatives, most businesses can grow their audience quickly in a relatively short time.

Yes, we can help you create a local e-commerce service if you require or help you to localise direct sales from the home market with marketing and also local customer service.

We handle both long-term client relationships on retainer and one-off projects.

All contact would be handled through London making it easier for communication in terms of both time zone and language.

You have come to the right place. There are many ways to attract Japanese consumers. Drop your email below so that we can hear what your concerns are!

Want to expand your business in the Japanese market?

We can help you! Book a free telephone consultation now. Let’s talk.