live commerce in Japan

Live commerce in Japan – transforming online shopping

How social media changed consumer behaviour

As Japanese consumers are shifting their way of shopping to digital, many experts predict this will remain after the pandemic. Before social media, It was unavoidable for companies and brands to sell their products through established shopping malls and invest in expensive adverts to promote their products. Nevertheless, the growth of social media is now allowing brands to communicate directly with their customers. Moreover, brands can plan and implement their own marketing without any restrictions placed by shopping malls and divert their customers to their own e-commerce platform to sell their products directly.

Additionally, consumer behaviour has changed recently. Over the years, high standards and low price points were required and mass production was the popular business model in Japan. However, in recent years, consumers value not only the product but also the brand’s ethos, the story behind the product and the person who developed the product. Social media platforms are the best place and easiest way to send those messages to followers and fans.

Lastly, brands can benefit by collecting data from customers. It is now possible that brands can hear complaints and feedback directly along with purchasing history. They can utilise data for improvement of the service, shopping experience and developing products that reflect customer demand.

Why live commerce is growing in popularity in Japan?

Live commerce in Japan is rapidly growing. It caters to the many consumers who want more information on a product. The details that are difficult to see on a website or social media can be seen via live videos such as the view from the side, the feels of the fabric for the clothing brands and if it’s for cosmetics brands, they want to ask for details such as if the moisturiser is good for dry skin type or how to use the product. The viewers can ask questions and the host can answer straight away. This system works so well for the information-rich culture that Japan has as we explained in the previous blog.

Japanese e-Commerce market -How to boost the conversion rate

How to do live commerce in Japan

With the rise of livers (people do live videos), many influencers are attracting followers with their own unique style. Mainly, people join and watch live videos because they are entertaining, useful or educational. The consumers want to see the products on real people and hear honest opinions from those influencers who they trust. To build an effective social media strategy in Japan, you have to develop content that is relevant, relatable and helps to build relationships. Once you know what the audience wants, think outside the box and create entertaining content for them.

Connecting with customers is ever more important for e-Commerce and DTC business. Are you interested in creating a new sales channel via live commerce in Japan? We can help you with finding the right influencer for your brand and creating engaging and effective content in Japan. Please get in touch!

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