EU business in Japan

EU Business in Japan feature

Are you an EU business in Japan? Are you looking for a free comprehensive Japanese market report? JapanConsuming has provided an insightful report on Japan’s clothing and textile market and Japan’s premium food market for EU Business in Japan. We are honoured that we have been recommended as a company to partner with.

Why now is a great time to focus on Japan to expand your business

If your business or an HQ is based in the EU, you’re covered. You can become a member for free and access all the important information about the Japanese market. If you’re outside the EU or looking for the market info on other sectors, contact us and let us know, we can give you some advice or a focused report on the particular area!

Report: Japan’s clothing and textile market

Report: Japan’s premium food market

The biggest social media in Japan
Business in Japan | Uncategorized

What is the biggest Social media platform in Japan?

What is LINE? The biggest social media platform in Japan is LINE with over 95 million active users and counting. I get this question from many companies, but the platform is unfamiliar to them and often overwhelmed by the idea. If this issue resonates with you, read on.  One such platform that has gained immense…

DTC expansion, Japan, localised marketing
Business in Japan

How to expand DTC business in Japan with localised marketing

Localised marketing Localised marketing is a way to build trust with customers, but it also has the added benefit of helping you gain more conversions and sales. By localising your marketing efforts, you can make sure that your marketing copy is targeted directly at Japanese customers. This means that instead of relying on a translator…

live commerce in Japan
Business in Japan | Japanese market report

Live commerce in Japan – transforming online shopping

How social media changed consumer behaviour As Japanese consumers are shifting their way of shopping to digital, many experts predict this will remain after the pandemic. Before social media, It was unavoidable for companies and brands to sell their products through established shopping malls and invest in expensive adverts to promote their products. Nevertheless, the…

IKEA Japan – the key to attracting Japanese consumers
Japanese market report

IKEA Japan – the key to attracting Japanese consumers

IKEA’s failure Did you know IKEA Japan failed to enter the Japanese market in the ‘80s? When they entered the Japanese market in 1974, IKEA partnered with Mitsui Bussan (Trading company) and Tokyu department store. They had 2 small stores but this meant fewer products with variations that suit Japanese homes and lifestyles. The lack…

home decoration market in Japan
Japanese market report

Booming home decoration market in Japan

A surge in DIY home renovation and interior decoration During the pandemic, people have changed their lifestyles. Consequently, they invested their free time and money on home improvement as their home time increased. Alongside online and printed media for affluent city dwellers, YouTube tutorials and Instagram pushing the trend, there is a surge in DIY…

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